Join Us On
TikTok Live!

How It Works 

MTA is a part of the TikTok LIVE Creator Network Program. We recruit creators to join the agency and be managed throughout their TikTok LIVE journey. Our overall mission in working with TikTok is to recruit high-quality creators to create engaging LIVE content on TikTok and guide them along the way.

Who Is Eligible?

*Must be 18+
*Live in the U.S. or Canada 
*Have less than 200,000 followers 
*Can not have cashed out more than $3,000 in a month


How Do I Start? 

It's super simple! Follow the 3 steps below to apply. If you have any questions along the way, you can always reach out to us via email at: [email protected]

Step 1: Get your unique code
Step 2: Apply below
Step 3: We'll reach out to you with next steps

Step 1: Get Your Unique Code

Providing us with this code allows you to join the agency after being reviewed by TikTok. There is no personal information that is connected or shared at any point through this process. 

You should see a six-digit code in TikTok under your Creator Center > LIVE Tab > under Agency Center! You may find this guide and link to help as well:  
M Talent Agency invites you to join their agency. To accept an invitation from them, get your invitation code here: Invitation Link

Once copied, go to TikTok > Settings and Privacy > Creator Tools > LIVE Center > Agency Center. Copy the invitation code on your screen to share. 

Step 2: Apply

Please have your code before proceeding to fill out the application. 

Join Our TikTok Live Roster!

If you have any questions along the way feel free to reach out!


We hope to see you live soon!

-MTA Team